Clausematch Blog

Chad Schaefer's Clausematch Experience

Written by Amanda Brief | 25/01/22 00:00

Chad Schaefer is the Head of Professional Services at Clausematch. We recently sat down with Chad to learn more about his role at Clausematch.

What is your role at Clausematch and what does it entail?

I am the Head of Professional Services responsible for the global professional services team. The team is responsible for the successful implementation and delivery of Clausematch to our clients globally. During the implementation, the team utilizes best practices and an effective implementation methodology to partner with our clients to obtain operational efficiencies with their policy management and regulatory obligations.

What were you doing before joining the Clausematch team?

I have over 20 years of direct software implementation experience working for several companies in the GRC / IRM space across numerous industry verticals including financial services, insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, and others. Over that timeframe I held several roles including leadership, project management, senior consultant, trainer, and developer. This experience allowed me to directly relate to the critical roles throughout implementations.

Why did you decide to join Clausematch?

In my career, I have worked for several small companies (100 or less employees) and large corporations (2000+ employees); I realized that I enjoy the dynamics and challenges of the small companies much more than large corporations.   

Another important attribute of my decision to join is the culture;  Clausematch has an amazing culture with a company wide mindset of each individual working collectively together to deliver amazing results.       

The third reason is the value-add opportunities the solution provides. I have been directly engaged in implementation projects with a lot of organizations over the years and a common challenge with them is effective and efficient evidence of compliance and easily determining the downstream impacts of a regulatory change. The Clausematch solution solves both of these challenges.  

What advice would you give to a future Clausematch employee?

My advice is each new employee needs to be energized, willing to learn, and willing to adapt and tackle challenges head on. They also need to be willing to insert themselves into unknowns and consistently reflect on the lessons learned. 

What has been one of your most memorable moments at Clausematch?

I am going to expand on this question and identify two memorable moments. The first one is the transformation of an elevated level of confidence and professionalism with my team. I am very proud to say that the entire team has taken big steps forward on becoming a world class professional services team which is our overarching goal.  

The second is the opportunity to engage with amazing people with various levels of background, experience, cultures, tradition, and a general outlook on life. I am all about working hard and playing hard and this mindset is always on display within the Clausematch team. 

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy anything outdoors including hiking, fishing, snorkeling, kayaking, biking, and generally enjoying the solitude that nature brings. The current world is full of challenges and everyone needs to find a hobby and place for solitude and relaxation. I commonly communicate that I like to get lost in the woods, mountains, desert, or wherever I may be. The lost reference is finding a place to clear my mind, recharge, and reflect.

If you could go anywhere in the world post-COVID where is the first place you would go?

I have had the opportunity to travel to almost every state in the United States, several countries in Europe, and a month-long adventure in Australia. At some point, I would like to travel to Africa and explore. If I could go anywhere in the world and not return, it would be the Caribbean Islands as it fulfills my definition of getting lost.